Dear Omnitrack Users,
We are thrilled to announce a significant update - Omnitrack has now seamlessly integrated Mailchimp event tracking! This feature will help you gain a better understanding of the behavior of visitors to your e-commerce website and effortlessly transmit this valuable data back to Mailchimp to enhance your email marketing strategies.
What is Mailchimp Event Tracking Integration?
Mailchimp Event Tracking Integration is a powerful tool that allows you to capture and analyze the actions of visitors to your e-commerce website and automatically transmit this data back to Mailchimp. We currently support the tracking of three key events:
Add to Cart: Tracking which products visitors add to their shopping carts.
Initiate Checkout: Determining whether visitors proceed to the checkout process.
Purchase: Understanding which products were purchased, along with the purchase amounts.
How to Use Mailchimp Event Tracking Integration?
Using Mailchimp Event Tracking Integration is straightforward. Simply enable the integration within the Omnitrack platform, select the types of events you want to track and provide the relevant API key. Once configured, we will automatically transmit this data to your Mailchimp account for use in analysis and email marketing campaigns.
We strongly encourage you to enable Event Tracking Integration as soon as possible to begin collecting valuable insights into the behavior of your website visitors and make the most of this information to enhance your email marketing strategies.
If you require assistance with enabling and using Mailchimp Event Tracking Integration or have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team. We look forward to seeing how you leverage this feature to elevate your e-commerce business!